Frequently Asked Questions

You can find below the answers to the questions received during the current Environmental Studies Research Fund’s (ESRF) call for proposal.

Question: When multiple groups work in collaboration to design a single project proposal, how is the funding distributed?

Answer: In general, the group who submits the project proposal and signs the Funding Agreement for the project is considered the project lead. The project lead is accountable for the project and receives the funding. The project lead can then have subcontract agreements with the other groups to pay for their professional services.

Other situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis such as:

  • When different groups are doing distinctly different tasks for the same project;
  • When a group, other than the project lead, is in charge of a task which will require the acquisition and ownership of large equipment; or
  • When the project will result in intellectual property owned by a group other than the project lead.

Question: Should a research proposal targeting a specific region, but which counts on the infrastructure included in a larger proposal, be submitted independently and considered for separate funding or should it be incorporated into the scope of the larger proposal?

Answer: At the Letter of Interest (LOI) phase of the research call it is not possible to determine how many or which project will be consider for funding. An independent group looking to submit proposal that is depended on another, may consider reaching out to the other group to determine how their project fits into the larger project’s scope. The independent group can then better evaluate if their project could exist within the larger one or if it would have more merit if submitted separately. Collaboration between groups can also be created during the Full Project Proposal phase of the research call.